View Full Version : Championship 1992/93 - release 1.6

21.Ekim.2007, 06:31
Release 1.6 is ready.

New features:

__ added new 442 players (HERE (http://brunorohl.altervista.org/players_added_1_6.txt) is the list)
__ added new polish and ex-yugoslavian teams
__ inserted Slovenian first division as in 1992/93 season with corrected balance and values

You can download it HERE (http://brunorohl.altervista.org/download/1992int/download.htm).

Fur further informations you can visit those links
How it is made (http://brunorohl.altervista.org/DB1992/db1992.html)
Results of first season of test (http://brunorohl.altervista.org/immagini/images.html)
Screenshots of great players (http://brunorohl.altervista.org/screenshot/images.html)

Next week will be ready a patch with more than 300 new faces.

Enjoy it

22.Ekim.2007, 06:47
konuyu horlatayım dedim :D

22.Ekim.2007, 07:21
Brunino, thanks for your good works.

This patch is really good and almost get better in every version. I hope you'll do this patch in FM 2009. Maybe, our users in this forum they will help you for the Turkish Data.

Keep it up...

22.Ekim.2007, 16:01
Brunino, thanks for your good works.

This patch is really good and almost get better in every version. I hope you'll do this patch in FM 2009. Maybe, our users in this forum they will help you for the Turkish Data.

Keep it up...

Thank you for compliments.
I'm in contact with a SI tester from Czech and he has the db for FM09, if he helps me, I could convert into FM09 structure without rebuilding it.
Next release will cover russian league but I'm ready for turkish league if I will have data. In polish FM forum an administrator opened a new thread for collecting data, you can do it here using your language. I need at least 20-25 players for any teams in 1992/93 season (I will have to rebuild this league), and for any player I need name, surname, place and date of birth (if known), a suggested potential ability, the right position in the field (LB, DC, SW ...) and history year by year.

23.Ekim.2007, 07:14
Maybe our users and our staff will help you, for this. If someone make this searching we will help him for everything (Searching, Collecting...).

24.Ekim.2007, 00:07
indiremedim yaa:(

24.Ekim.2007, 01:27
yanlış forumamı geldim acaba:)
bunun törkişi(turkish veya türkçesi) yokmudur acaba:)

24.Ekim.2007, 01:43
Arkadaşlar indiremeyecek birşey yok. Hepsi rapidshare üzerinden zaten. Data oyuncuların olduğu dosya. Diğerleride face dosyaları

Data : http://rapidshare.com/files/155855076/world1992_v16.rar

25.Ekim.2007, 05:05
indirdim yeni oyun açıyorum şu an. merak ettim baya

31.Ekim.2007, 23:07
I added in usual download page a facepack for this release.

I added new 461 faces.

Furthermore, I prepared a db patch 1.6.1 with only 8 players more, one player deleted and some mistakes corrected, so I suggest to download it only if you did never do it before.

Enjoy it

05.Şubat.2008, 22:24
Bu updatede eric cantona var mı ?

16.Eylül.2009, 01:00
Bu updatede eric cantona var mı ?
