Welcome Genie Scout 13!
World's best scout utility is updated for Football Manager 2013.
Exclusively available from fmscout.com for yet another year

FM Genie Scout (or Genie Scout in short) is world's most popular scouting tool for Football Manager, created to extend the possibilities of finding, sorting and shortlisting players and staff, controlling their progress, making "first 11" and tactics choice easier and observing attributes invisible in FM.

Released: 9 December 2012 - v1.00 beta 7 build 334

The download of this first public edition build became available to our newsletter subscribers first.

Redistribution Policy:

People who want to put Genie Scout 13 on other sites, you may link back to this very page but you cannot host any files yourselves. Thank you!


Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8 and FM 13.1.3

Does it work for Mac?
No, and it won't be possible to make it work this time even if you try using Winebottler or similar. GS13 has been rewritten to work by reading data from memory instead of savegame files because of the lock down of savegames in FM13 by Sports Interactive.

However, we exclusively release a special scouting tool for Mac. You should use that.
MacAssistant RT for FM13 - Exclusive

How to run:

  • Extract the downloaded .zip file and run the setup .exe file.
  • It will ask if you want to install a free to try software or a free browser toolbar, you can choose not to (simply un-tick the offer check-boxes) and click Next. If you accept though, you are supporting us.
  • Follow instructions and hit next until installation is finished.
  • Run Football Manager 2013 and load your savegame.
  • Launch Genie Scout 13 and from main menu click "Load Game".
That's it! No frameworks required.

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