Sayfa 15 / 17 ÝlkÝlk ... 51314151617 SonSon
421 ile 450 arasý toplam 498 sonuç

Konu: FM 17- Ýlk Ýzlenimler

  1. #421
    Denizli - Köln


    Foruma girmeyeli baya süre geçti, özlemiþim, zamanýnda çaylak olanlar büyümüþ :P
    2017 izlenimim þöyle; 2. sene yani 17/18 sezonunda Beþiktaþ haricinde Galatasaray ve Fenerbahçe büyük düþüþ yaþýyor, Galatasaray þampiyon olmasýna raðmen transfer yapamadý, kiraladýðý oyuncular benim Denizlispr'dakinden de vasat, þuan 9. sýrada mesela, Fenerbahçe de 6. sýrada (nedir bu Fenerin 6 sevdasý ) Baþakþehir ligi domine ediyor, Beþiktaþ da kadroyu koruduðu için iyi, Adanaspor kök söktürüyor.

    Kiralama konusuna da deðineceðim, Denizlispor'da 1. Lig'de devre arasý ilk sezonda maaþ ödemeden Ýngiltere, Almanya ve Ýspanya'dan çok iyi oyuncularý kiraladým ve 1. Lig'in kalitesi düþük olduðu için çok iyi maçlar çýkarp hemen üst lige yükseldim. Ayný oyuncularýn kiralama sürelerini belki uzatabilirim diye teklif yaptým, anlaþma süresine dikkat etmemiþim, hepsi 2 veya 3 yýllýk kiralýk ve maaþ ödemeksizin kiralandý Leverkusen'den Pohjanpalo var örneðin, harika bir forvet, 1. lig ve süper ligde kiralandý bana ve bunun gibi yýldýz sayabileceðim veya olabilecek oyuncular, hem de ücretsiz ve maaþsýz, ayrýca uzun vaadede. Bence bu tamamiyle olmasa da biraz düzeltilmesi gereken bir olay.

    Ek olarak, antrenör alýmý çok kýsýtlanmýþ, bir bakýma doðru buluyorum, oyunda önceden antrenörleri dolduruyorduk, ki bizim ligimizde 3-4 antrenörü geçmez takýmlardaki sayý.

    Bir de aþýrý derecede her maçta ortalar doðrudan kaleye gidiyor, hem kendimin hem de rakip takýmýn. Bu artýk düzeltilmeli diye düþünüyorum.

    Her maç aþýrý derecede sarý ve kýrmýzý kartlar havada uçuþuyor, gene iki yönlü, sakatlýklar azaltýlmýþ, bu güzel.

    Þimdilik aklýma gelenler bunlar. Þirket haricinde evde olursam belki kariyeri paylaþabilirim.

    Ýyi oyunlar cümlenize.

  2. #422


    özel yetenekle alakalý olarak þöyle bir gözlemim var. özel yeteneði yüksek oyuncularýn pas yüzdesi ayný özelliklere sahip diðer oyunculara göre çok düþük oluyor. (muhtemelen topuk pasý vs þekiller deniyorlar) buda pas yüzdesini büyük oranda etkiliyor. özellikle orta saha ve gerisinde ki pozisyonlar için kötü bir durum özel yeteneðin yüksek olmasý.
    birde oyun handikapý olarak þu var. eðer ki bir oyuncunun zayýf ayak skili 9'un üzerindeyse ve bu oyuncuda "zayýf ayaðýný kullanmaktan kaçýnýr" tercihi varsa, yapay zeka oyuncuyu zayýf ayaðýný kullanmaya zorlamýyor ve oyuncu bir çok aktivitesini (pas þut) güçlü ayaðýyla daha isabetli olarak gerçekleþtirebiliyor.
    Last edited by onry : 17.Kasým.2016 at 14:22

  3. #423


    ayrýca gizli liberoyla, defansif orta saha(defend) arasýnda oyuncu talimatlarý kýsmýnda hiç bir fark görünmüyor. bu iki rol arasýnda bizim göremediðimiz hangi farklar var oyuncu talimatlarýnda? varsa neden göremiyoruz?

  4. #424


    Oyunda bazi kelimeler hala ingilizce
    Very determined, The On Numara ve aklima gelmeyen bi kaci. Oyun orijinal ve güncel!

  5. #425


    Selam Arkadaþlar

    Ýspanya liginde bulunan bazý takýmlarýn isimleri deðiþik yazýyor. Bir de INTER büyük harflerle yazýlmýþ durumda. Bu bir sorun mu yoksa hepimiz de ayný mý ?

  6. #426


    Oyunun lisans problemleri nedeniyle o þekilde görüyorsun. Problem yok
    Link < Ýstersen þurdan Brezilya Ligi harici bütün isimleri orjinale çevirebilirsin.
    Ýkinci olan, ilk kaybedendir.
    Ayrton Senna da Silva

  7. #427


    Eyvallah SacrificeGGTC.

  8. #428


    Quote Originally Posted by ynssym View Post
    Selam Arkadaþlar

    Ýspanya liginde bulunan bazý takýmlarýn isimleri deðiþik yazýyor. Bir de INTER büyük harflerle yazýlmýþ durumda. Bu bir sorun mu yoksa hepimiz de ayný mý ?
    Hocam sortitoutsi diye bi site var oraya gir aradýðýn herþeyi bulabilirsin. Brezilya ligi dahil tüm takým isimleri düzeliyor yaptýklarý yamayla. Milli takýmlarda dahil.

  9. #429


    Belki daha önce paylaþýlmýþtýr ama, þöyle bir þeye denk geldim ve baya bir güldüm. Çok gerçekçi bir inceleme olmuþ 2017 için.

    Dip Not: Mevcut link içerisindeki uzun yazý da, belli kýsýmlarda küfür ve argo kullanýlmýþtýr. Lütfen dikkatli olalým

  10. #430


    Quote Originally Posted by Tim Duncan21 View Post
    Belki daha önce paylaþýlmýþtýr ama, þöyle bir þeye denk geldim ve baya bir güldüm. Çok gerçekçi bir inceleme olmuþ 2017 için.

    Dip Not: Mevcut link içerisindeki uzun yazý da, belli kýsýmlarda küfür ve argo kullanýlmýþtýr. Lütfen dikkatli olalým
    Küfür etmese iyiymis ama adam dogrulari yazmis! oyunun üzerine yazmalari lazim dikkat, bu oyun insani kansere etme potansiyeline sahibtir diye

  11. #431


    Baþarýlý olmak için illa pas oyunu mu oynamak lazým merak ediyorum,pas oyunu oynayýnca çoðu takýmý rahatlýkla ekarte edebilirken kýsa pas kaygýmýz olmadan tempolu oyun oynayýnca saçma sapan goller yiyip yeniliyoruz.

  12. #432


    Quote Originally Posted by wladcas View Post
    Baþarýlý olmak için illa pas oyunu mu oynamak lazým merak ediyorum,pas oyunu oynayýnca çoðu takýmý rahatlýkla ekarte edebilirken kýsa pas kaygýmýz olmadan tempolu oyun oynayýnca saçma sapan goller yiyip yeniliyoruz.
    illa pas oyunu oynatman gerekmiyor hýzlý bir takýmýn varsa dikine paslarla tempolu bir oyun oynayabilirsin ki takýmýn iyiyse topla oynama yüzden yine yüksek olur

  13. #433
    Denizli - Ýzmir


    Quote Originally Posted by metinoktay View Post
    Foruma girmeyeli baya süre geçti, özlemiþim, zamanýnda çaylak olanlar büyümüþ :P
    2017 izlenimim þöyle; 2. sene yani 17/18 sezonunda Beþiktaþ haricinde Galatasaray ve Fenerbahçe büyük düþüþ yaþýyor, Galatasaray þampiyon olmasýna raðmen transfer yapamadý, kiraladýðý oyuncular benim Denizlispr'dakinden de vasat, þuan 9. sýrada mesela, Fenerbahçe de 6. sýrada (nedir bu Fenerin 6 sevdasý ) Baþakþehir ligi domine ediyor, Beþiktaþ da kadroyu koruduðu için iyi, Adanaspor kök söktürüyor.

    Kiralama konusuna da deðineceðim, Denizlispor'da 1. Lig'de devre arasý ilk sezonda maaþ ödemeden Ýngiltere, Almanya ve Ýspanya'dan çok iyi oyuncularý kiraladým ve 1. Lig'in kalitesi düþük olduðu için çok iyi maçlar çýkarp hemen üst lige yükseldim. Ayný oyuncularýn kiralama sürelerini belki uzatabilirim diye teklif yaptým, anlaþma süresine dikkat etmemiþim, hepsi 2 veya 3 yýllýk kiralýk ve maaþ ödemeksizin kiralandý Leverkusen'den Pohjanpalo var örneðin, harika bir forvet, 1. lig ve süper ligde kiralandý bana ve bunun gibi yýldýz sayabileceðim veya olabilecek oyuncular, hem de ücretsiz ve maaþsýz, ayrýca uzun vaadede. Bence bu tamamiyle olmasa da biraz düzeltilmesi gereken bir olay.

    Ek olarak, antrenör alýmý çok kýsýtlanmýþ, bir bakýma doðru buluyorum, oyunda önceden antrenörleri dolduruyorduk, ki bizim ligimizde 3-4 antrenörü geçmez takýmlardaki sayý.

    Bir de aþýrý derecede her maçta ortalar doðrudan kaleye gidiyor, hem kendimin hem de rakip takýmýn. Bu artýk düzeltilmeli diye düþünüyorum.

    Her maç aþýrý derecede sarý ve kýrmýzý kartlar havada uçuþuyor, gene iki yönlü, sakatlýklar azaltýlmýþ, bu güzel.

    Þimdilik aklýma gelenler bunlar. Þirket haricinde evde olursam belki kariyeri paylaþabilirim.

    Ýyi oyunlar cümlenize.
    Denizlispor konusundaki tavsiyeleri aldým abi,25 oyuncu sýnýrýný gördükten sonra hemen Alman liglerine kaçtým,ben de denerim artýk kiralýklarý. Forumdaki yamayý mý kullandýn bu arada?
    Daniel Bryan'ýn sakalýnýn kýlýyýz !

  14. Default

    Genel olarak oyun alýnýr mý sizce? FM 2016'nin güncel kadrolarýyla devam mý edeyim yoksa FM 2017 mi alayým? Bir de öðrenci olduðum için oyunu uygun fiyata, vade farksýz taksitle alabileceðim bir yer arýyorum.

  15. #435


    Quote Originally Posted by DenizlispoR View Post
    Denizlispor konusundaki tavsiyeleri aldým abi,25 oyuncu sýnýrýný gördükten sonra hemen Alman liglerine kaçtým,ben de denerim artýk kiralýklarý. Forumdaki yamayý mý kullandýn bu arada?
    Ozzy Sen Yaþýyon mu Yav

    En Tehlikeli Ýnsan Az Anlayýp Çok Ýnanandýr. "A.Çehov"

  16. #436


    Oyunda 2 senedir futbol kural hatasý var
    korneri paslasarak kullanmak isterseniz rakip futbolcu dibinize kadar geliyor

  17. #437


    Nvidia GEForce Experience'a geldi FM 17 optimize edebilirsiniz ( gerçi bi iþe yarýyo mu bilmem ama)

  18. #438
    Denizli - Köln


    Quote Originally Posted by DenizlispoR View Post
    Denizlispor konusundaki tavsiyeleri aldým abi,25 oyuncu sýnýrýný gördükten sonra hemen Alman liglerine kaçtým,ben de denerim artýk kiralýklarý. Forumdaki yamayý mý kullandýn bu arada?

    Selamlar Ozzy'm, herhangi bir yama kullanmadým, kendi update'i. 1. ligde iken belki hemen ilk transfer döneminde baþaramayabilirsin ancak 2. transfer dönemi 4 süper oyuncuyu bedavaya kiraladým. Almanya ve Ýngiltere bu konuda baþý çekti. Pohjanpalo, Bennacer, gerrit holtman ilk aklýma gelenler. Adamlarýn normal deðeri 6.5 milyon-17.5 milyon euro arasýnda deðiþiyor mesela. Özlendin len

  19. #439
    Denizli - Ýzmir


    Quote Originally Posted by metinoktay View Post
    Selamlar Ozzy'm, herhangi bir yama kullanmadým, kendi update'i. 1. ligde iken belki hemen ilk transfer döneminde baþaramayabilirsin ancak 2. transfer dönemi 4 süper oyuncuyu bedavaya kiraladým. Almanya ve Ýngiltere bu konuda baþý çekti. Pohjanpalo, Bennacer, gerrit holtman ilk aklýma gelenler. Adamlarýn normal deðeri 6.5 milyon-17.5 milyon euro arasýnda deðiþiyor mesela. Özlendin len
    Ýlk senemde orta sýralara oynamayý hedefledim de MC kýsmý taþýyamýyor,Barýþ veya Sankoh sakatlanýnca bitiyor takým. Hem Anýl'ýn yüksek maaþý büyük sorun. 2. yýlda büyük deðiþim gerekiyor zaten takýmda da ilk seneyi çýkartmak çok çileli oluyor.

    Abi sürekli baþkan deðiþiyor,gelen üzerine biraz daha borç alýyor takým her an batacak gibi hissediyorum. Ben de oturup Denizlisporlu birisiyle konuþmayý özledim,þehrimizde bile sýk yapamadýðýmýz bir þey artýk.
    Daniel Bryan'ýn sakalýnýn kýlýyýz !

  20. #440
    Denizli - Ýzmir


    Quote Originally Posted by BaGa TaRKaN View Post
    Ozzy Sen Yaþýyon mu Yav
    Dedecim görmemiþim,bildirim de gelmiyor nedense ama okulun izin verdiði sürece yaþýyoruz.
    Daniel Bryan'ýn sakalýnýn kýlýyýz !

  21. #441


    Bir canavar sahibi oldum galiba

  22. #442


    Ya þu transferde istenilen para saçmalýðýný biri açýklayabilir mi ? Leverkusen'de Atakan isimli oyuncu almak istiyorum. Fm Genie 525 yere diyor. Bende satýþtan sonra kar payýyla teklif ediyorum. Adamlar kabul etmiyor, Ne istiyorsunuz diyorum 37m sterlin diyor. Bu nedir Allah aþkýna. Fm 2016 sýrf bu yüzden soðudum. Bu normal mi yahu. Baþlamadan oyunu býraktým.

  23. #443


    Selam millet Yýllar sonra bir aradayýz. Evet ilk izlenimler nasýl alýnýr mý oyun? yorum kasýn

  24. #444

  25. #445



    A Football Manager 2017 update (v17.2.0) is now available to download.
    To get the update simply quit and restart Steam and your game should update to version 17.2.0.
    Updates include but are not limited to the following:

    - Fixed rare instances of crash on continue
    - Fixed lag when browsing inbox

    - Fixed issue in Austrian leagues which prevented staff in certain roles from being appointed
    - Adjusted German players willingness to move clubs
    - Fixed issue where players asked to be removed from the transfer list, but were not
    - Adjusted payments received for players they had offered out on loan
    - Adjusted likelihood of user in charge of an international team being offered club role
    - Fixed rare examples of players complaining about being left out of continental squads for rounds they are unavailable for
    - Fixed incorrect strings on promise panel related to different context promises to accept bids for players
    - Fixed rare contradictory inbox items regarding promises not being met
    - Added unhappiness reason to list of players supporting/against a manager in group unhappiness meetings
    - Fixed rare example of a player not becoming happy again after playing more following a first team football unhappiness
    - Improved AI squad building in salary cap leagues
    - Fixed issue where user couldn't postpone game due to large number of international call ups in MLS
    - Fixed hotseat issue where holidaying one manager past a match, also continued the other manager past their match
    - Fixed issue where user cannot add players/confirm squad for national U23s
    - Fixed issue where user is incorrectly asked about facing newly appointed manager
    - Fixed various issues with records
    - Fixed derby question appearing for non-derbies
    - Fixed various odds issues
    - Adjusted effect of training intensity on injuries
    - Fixed examples of league enforced stadium upgrades going wrong
    - Improved Tottenham’s attendances when switching grounds

    MATCH AI (v1703)
    - Improved implementation of Inverted Wing Back role
    - Fixed shots which were also free kicks not displaying as Set Pieces on chalkboard
    - Fixed rare case of match getting stuck after ball is thrown out of play
    - Fixed example of a player clearing rather than throwing
    - Improved mentality of teams down to 10 players
    - Fixed issue where injured players from AI teams sometimes don't get substituted when injured during a goal
    - Fixed ball going through ad-hoardings
    - Fixed issue with the match incident thinking the pen shootout goal was own goal
    - Fixed rare issue with player being treated on side line being used for offside decisions
    - Fixed inability to alter closing down setting for certain role/duty combinations
    - Improved instance of referee and carded player not facing each other
    - Fixed rare instance of dribbling past opponent commentary being used inappropriately
    - Fixed instances of player incorrectly being considered to have made a mistake
    - Fixed rare instance of inappropriate commentary for a free kick
    - Fixed instances of player being considered to have performed a dribble too soon after controlling the ball
    - Fixed instance where we would skip to dead time before a red card occurred
    - Fixed ghost goal example
    - Fixed deflections not being accounted for properly
    - Fixed keeper handling and judgement bugs
    - Improved outfield player judgement of ball AI
    - Made keeper use strongest side for throw outs where possible
    - Fixed a handball mistake/chalkboard event being assigned to a goalkeeper who was inside their own area
    - Improved distance a player can be offside for a disallowed goal to be deemed "controversial"
    - Fixed keeper bug where he could deflect it in same slice as save causing own goal
    - Fixed subs being subbed off too early in case of a red card
    - Improved instances where Key Passes were not recorded
    - Fixed issue with assistant manager not following user's instructions when user holidays match and ticks use formation + use current team when possible

    - Improvements to stadium appearances
    - Adjusted Grass/Synthetic pitches to appear in same way as standard grass pitches
    - Fixed issue with substituted player appearing sat on the field rather than on the bench
    - Fixed issue with player who has been subbed on to the field briefly appearing to be wearing tracksuit rather than playing kit
    - Fixed issue with players not wearing long sleeve shirts/under layers
    - Fixed issue where linesman flag would flash in the centre circle

    - Fixed manager profile reverting to default setup
    - Various cosmetic fixes to the light skin
    - Fixed issue on conversation history panel which prevented users from scrolling through previous chats
    - Fixed issue with match formation widget not updating when players swapped

    - Fixed rare issue where certain leagues wouldn't schedule after season turnover
    - Fixed issue with Bulgarian league playoff
    - Fixed Chinese league registration rules
    - Fixed Home/Away games imbalance after Scottish Premier League split
    - Fixed French Ligue 1 prize money
    - Fixed loaned in players not being able to play in Swiss Cup
    - Fixed issue with regionalisation in Swedish Second Division
    - Fixed Betfred Cup prize money
    - Fixed Israeli Toto Cup schedule and teams in correct groups
    - Correct Belgian clubs now qualify for European competitions
    - Improved scheduling for Belgian, Russian and Ukrainian clubs in European competitions
    - Fixed issue where we were not taking the strongest line up for Portuguese Cup Competitions

    - Fixed issue when editing person who had Manager or Asst Manager attributes
    - Fixed issue editing players with fog of war active including changing preferred foot
    - Fixed loans not showing in player history

    - Fixed new season not being scheduled when using a valid German lower league Editor file
    - Fixed issue verifying advanced rules in languages other than English
    - Fixed various crashes and errors on files submitted to us
    - Fixed editing nation tax rules
    - Fixed some issues with editing club continental rules
    - Fixed a few issues to do with kit editing
    - Fixed issue where large files could cause a freeze during game set up
    - Fixed real results extracting incorrectly
    - Fixed crash editing rivalries
    - Fixed a few nations which were set up incorrectly in basic rules
    - Fixed instances of seasons not scheduling in files submitted to us
    - Fixed issue with certain files failing verification checks incorrectly
    - Fixed several issues with implementing a salary cap in leagues
    - Fixed issue with League Championship Playoff end dates
    - Fixed transfer window changes not extracting to the game correctly

    - Disabled non-admins from being able to remove clients from network games
    - Fixed issue whereby users sometimes couldn’t view replays

    En Tehlikeli Ýnsan Az Anlayýp Çok Ýnanandýr. "A.Çehov"

  26. #446


    Ýngilizcesi iyi olan arkadaþlar kritik öneme sahip yerler hakkýnda bilgi verebilir mi acaba?
    Quote Originally Posted by BaGa TaRKaN View Post

    A Football Manager 2017 update (v17.2.0) is now available to download.
    To get the update simply quit and restart Steam and your game should update to version 17.2.0.
    Updates include but are not limited to the following:

    - Fixed rare instances of crash on continue
    - Fixed lag when browsing inbox

    - Fixed issue in Austrian leagues which prevented staff in certain roles from being appointed
    - Adjusted German players willingness to move clubs
    - Fixed issue where players asked to be removed from the transfer list, but were not
    - Adjusted payments received for players they had offered out on loan
    - Adjusted likelihood of user in charge of an international team being offered club role
    - Fixed rare examples of players complaining about being left out of continental squads for rounds they are unavailable for
    - Fixed incorrect strings on promise panel related to different context promises to accept bids for players
    - Fixed rare contradictory inbox items regarding promises not being met
    - Added unhappiness reason to list of players supporting/against a manager in group unhappiness meetings
    - Fixed rare example of a player not becoming happy again after playing more following a first team football unhappiness
    - Improved AI squad building in salary cap leagues
    - Fixed issue where user couldn't postpone game due to large number of international call ups in MLS
    - Fixed hotseat issue where holidaying one manager past a match, also continued the other manager past their match
    - Fixed issue where user cannot add players/confirm squad for national U23s
    - Fixed issue where user is incorrectly asked about facing newly appointed manager
    - Fixed various issues with records
    - Fixed derby question appearing for non-derbies
    - Fixed various odds issues
    - Adjusted effect of training intensity on injuries
    - Fixed examples of league enforced stadium upgrades going wrong
    - Improved Tottenham’s attendances when switching grounds

    MATCH AI (v1703)
    - Improved implementation of Inverted Wing Back role
    - Fixed shots which were also free kicks not displaying as Set Pieces on chalkboard
    - Fixed rare case of match getting stuck after ball is thrown out of play
    - Fixed example of a player clearing rather than throwing
    - Improved mentality of teams down to 10 players
    - Fixed issue where injured players from AI teams sometimes don't get substituted when injured during a goal
    - Fixed ball going through ad-hoardings
    - Fixed issue with the match incident thinking the pen shootout goal was own goal
    - Fixed rare issue with player being treated on side line being used for offside decisions
    - Fixed inability to alter closing down setting for certain role/duty combinations
    - Improved instance of referee and carded player not facing each other
    - Fixed rare instance of dribbling past opponent commentary being used inappropriately
    - Fixed instances of player incorrectly being considered to have made a mistake
    - Fixed rare instance of inappropriate commentary for a free kick
    - Fixed instances of player being considered to have performed a dribble too soon after controlling the ball
    - Fixed instance where we would skip to dead time before a red card occurred
    - Fixed ghost goal example
    - Fixed deflections not being accounted for properly
    - Fixed keeper handling and judgement bugs
    - Improved outfield player judgement of ball AI
    - Made keeper use strongest side for throw outs where possible
    - Fixed a handball mistake/chalkboard event being assigned to a goalkeeper who was inside their own area
    - Improved distance a player can be offside for a disallowed goal to be deemed "controversial"
    - Fixed keeper bug where he could deflect it in same slice as save causing own goal
    - Fixed subs being subbed off too early in case of a red card
    - Improved instances where Key Passes were not recorded
    - Fixed issue with assistant manager not following user's instructions when user holidays match and ticks use formation + use current team when possible

    - Improvements to stadium appearances
    - Adjusted Grass/Synthetic pitches to appear in same way as standard grass pitches
    - Fixed issue with substituted player appearing sat on the field rather than on the bench
    - Fixed issue with player who has been subbed on to the field briefly appearing to be wearing tracksuit rather than playing kit
    - Fixed issue with players not wearing long sleeve shirts/under layers
    - Fixed issue where linesman flag would flash in the centre circle

    - Fixed manager profile reverting to default setup
    - Various cosmetic fixes to the light skin
    - Fixed issue on conversation history panel which prevented users from scrolling through previous chats
    - Fixed issue with match formation widget not updating when players swapped

    - Fixed rare issue where certain leagues wouldn't schedule after season turnover
    - Fixed issue with Bulgarian league playoff
    - Fixed Chinese league registration rules
    - Fixed Home/Away games imbalance after Scottish Premier League split
    - Fixed French Ligue 1 prize money
    - Fixed loaned in players not being able to play in Swiss Cup
    - Fixed issue with regionalisation in Swedish Second Division
    - Fixed Betfred Cup prize money
    - Fixed Israeli Toto Cup schedule and teams in correct groups
    - Correct Belgian clubs now qualify for European competitions
    - Improved scheduling for Belgian, Russian and Ukrainian clubs in European competitions
    - Fixed issue where we were not taking the strongest line up for Portuguese Cup Competitions

    - Fixed issue when editing person who had Manager or Asst Manager attributes
    - Fixed issue editing players with fog of war active including changing preferred foot
    - Fixed loans not showing in player history

    - Fixed new season not being scheduled when using a valid German lower league Editor file
    - Fixed issue verifying advanced rules in languages other than English
    - Fixed various crashes and errors on files submitted to us
    - Fixed editing nation tax rules
    - Fixed some issues with editing club continental rules
    - Fixed a few issues to do with kit editing
    - Fixed issue where large files could cause a freeze during game set up
    - Fixed real results extracting incorrectly
    - Fixed crash editing rivalries
    - Fixed a few nations which were set up incorrectly in basic rules
    - Fixed instances of seasons not scheduling in files submitted to us
    - Fixed issue with certain files failing verification checks incorrectly
    - Fixed several issues with implementing a salary cap in leagues
    - Fixed issue with League Championship Playoff end dates
    - Fixed transfer window changes not extracting to the game correctly

    - Disabled non-admins from being able to remove clients from network games
    - Fixed issue whereby users sometimes couldn’t view replays

  27. #447


    Erken biliyorum, ama devre arasý güncellemesi ne zaman çýkar?

    Vakit bulamadýðým için henüz kariyer açmadým. Kariyer açmam hâlinde, kariyerim oldukça yavaþ ilerleyecek. Bu nedenle oyuna en son gelecek data güncellemesi ile kariyere baþlamam daha mantýklý olabilir.

  28. #448


    Transfer dönemi biter arti Rusya falan beklenir subat ortasi sonuna dogru cikar heralde

  29. #449


    2.5 sezonda 2 lig, 2 ÞL, 2 Avrupa süper kupasý, 2 tane Dünya Klüpler Kupasý ve lig kupasý ile lig süper kupasý aldýðým takýmdan þampiyon olduðum maçýn ertesi kovuldum. Üstelik yönetimin benden beklediði her þeyi yapmýþtým. Hiçbir kulvarda onlarýn isteklerinden aþaðý sonuç almadým. Ýþ durumum da sürekli çok güvenli ve dokunulmaz arasýnda gidiyordu. Ýstelikleri kulüp felsefelerini de uyguladým. Sinirden kudurdum evde akþam akþam.

  30. #450


    Quote Originally Posted by marlo41 View Post
    2.5 sezonda 2 lig, 2 ÞL, 2 Avrupa süper kupasý, 2 tane Dünya Klüpler Kupasý ve lig kupasý ile lig süper kupasý aldýðým takýmdan þampiyon olduðum maçýn ertesi kovuldum. Üstelik yönetimin benden beklediði her þeyi yapmýþtým. Hiçbir kulvarda onlarýn isteklerinden aþaðý sonuç almadým. Ýþ durumum da sürekli çok güvenli ve dokunulmaz arasýnda gidiyordu. Ýstelikleri kulüp felsefelerini de uyguladým. Sinirden kudurdum evde akþam akþam.
    Ne yaptýn kardeþim sen baþkanýn karýsýna mý yazdýn

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